
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Getting the Most Out of Iron Banner

For anyone who's been playing Destiny for a decent amount of time, you've likely heard of Iron Banner and know how it works. For everyone else, this is for you. Iron Banner is an event that puts you against other players (much like Clash or Control), but with a small twist.

Your level and great matter like in Rumble.

The event only lasts a week and you can earn some event only gear by reaching Rank 5. Normally, this would be a simple matter of grinding from event to event, but in Iron Banner, your tank resets after each event, so you only get the week to hit Rank 5.

Luckily, you can equip a few things to earn more rep.

There are emblems, shaders, and class items to be bought at various ranks, these all increase the about of rep earned for the Iron Banner faction by 10% each, and there's another buff called "Tempering" that you can purchase for a Mote of Light that increase rep gain exponentially, increasing each day the event is active, however it last only 12 hours.

On top of those items and buff, if you lose, you gain a Medallion of Iron that will still give you partial rep that is automatically used after a win. You can only hold 5 at a time.

There are also event bounties that function the same way as the others do.


Class Item, Shader, Emblem - 10% increase in rep for each equipped.

Tempering - 10%, 15%, 25%, 40%, 60%, 100%, 150%, depending on consecutive days used.

Medallion of Iron - 40 rep each, 5 max for a total of 200 rep.

All rep bonus items (shaders, class items, etc) apply to Medallions and Bounties as well.


RANK 1 - 100 EXP


Iron Banner Emblem, grants 10% rep bonus within Iron Banner while equipped

RANK 2 - 1200 EXP


Iron Banner Shader, grants 10% rep bonus within Iron Banner while equipped

RANK 3 - 2400 EXP


2 sets of armour pieces (light lvl 30)

RANK 4 - 2400 EXP


Weapon, 2 sets of armour pieces (light lvl 30), Iron Banner Class Item, grants 10% rep bonus within Iron Banner while equipped

RANK 5 - 2400 EXP


Weapon, Iron Banner Shader, grants 10% rep bonus within Iron Banner while equipped

Weapon and armour are not the same (USUALLY), so we won't know until the event what the Iron Banner vendor has for sale. You can see what he will allegedly have here.

There's also random loot you can obtain after a match like normal gear, so watch out for that.

If I missed anything, let me know. Otherwise, have fun out there next week, Guardian.

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